yes, finally the world will know josh and
his lifelong struggle with his race and the man's
opression. below you will find a recent survey taken by
our hero (josh.) a more descriptive and biographical
essay is in the works, but for now you'll just have to
deal with what i have time to do. oh, and for all of you
who will instinctively become his biggest fans from this
site: autographs at the door, please, don't crowd.
1. what's your name?
2. what's your middle name? Michael
3. What would you have called yourself? Sebastien
4. do you like your name? Josh isn't that bad
5. color of hair/eyes? brown. . . . . . . . .
6. Are you a short/tall? In the 6' range, which I think
is tall, but it wouldn't be to like some tall basketball
player. . . so i guess it all depends on your height
compared to me.
7. what's your shoe size?: 11
8: do you like your body?: Oh yeah, I'd want me
9. do you think your pretty/goodlooking? Dude, 2 words:
Seeeeexyyy Maaaan
10. is your hair long/short?: Its in the middle, i like
it tho
12. do you have lots of friends?: Well, if I count all of
my fans, then yes.
13. who are your best friends?: [Tre, Joe, Chris, Angelo]
are all the cooooolest
14. who is the funniest friend you've got?: Tre
15. who is the shyest?: What kind of white-man's question
is this? I don't know whos the shyest? if he/she's that
shy, how would i ever notice him/her?
16. Who is always late? Me. . . duhhh
17. who is always early?: No one
18. who's you're best lady friend?: Brianna is also the
19. who have you known longest?: Angelo
20. who have you known the shortest? Andrew
21. Are you happy with your friends? Hell yes
22. have you ever been in love?: Nope
23. have you ever thought you were in love? Nope
24. have u ever had a b/f or g/f ?: Yep
25. have you ever gone on a date?: Yep
26. have you ever wanted to hook up with one of your guy/girl
friends? Yep
27. have you : Yep
28. have you ever had your heart broken?: Nope
29. who's the hottest girl/guy you know?: Brianna (I love
the hair)...becca is a close second,tho. I of course am
the hottest guy I know.
30. who's the person you really like a lot right now?:
31. have you liked lot's of guys/girls?: A few
32. Have you ever fought with a friend over a guy/girl:
33. was it worth it?: Suuure.
34. do you drink? I'm drinking a coke right now.
35. have you ever?: Yes, I like Coke
36. do you do drugs?: Only when I'm ill.... My dealer is
this pharmacist guy
37. have you ever? Yeah, claritin is good stuff
38. have you ever been drunk? Nope
39. have you ever broken the law?: Yes, I'm a known felon.
40. what's your biggest fear? pupil contraction
41. one thing you can't live with out?: I'm gonna go with.
. . . elbows?
42. One thing you can live without?: Probably my little
43. do you believe in ghosts?: Nope
44. do you believe in horoscopes?: Nope. . . . I refuse
to let some gypsy-woman tell me whats going on in my life
when i can just kinda look out the window and see for
45. have you ever seen a ghost?: Actually, maybe. . . but
I still don't believe they exist
46. have you ever skipped school?: Yes
47. failed a test?: Nope
48. been unhappy? only every few years
49. food?: Any food that originated in China
50. band?: Biz Markie, A Tribe Called Quest, Beastie
Boys, Markie Mark and the Funky Bunch, BNL
52. piece of clothing? My man-hoe shirts
54. animal? Flamingos
55. number? 21
56. pizza topping(s)? Cheese
57. sport? Eating Lunch
58. candy?: Twizzlers... they may my floating mouth happy
59. kind of slurpee?: Lime
60. song? Just a Friend, Oye Como Va!, The SHAFT Theme,
Shake Your Rump, Body Movin
61. song lyrics? "When it comes to Boggle, there is
none higha, I get 50 points on the word Quagmire"
63. spot? As in the dog?
64. city?: New York
65. cars or buses?: Car
66. chandler or Joey?: Who are these people?
67. dawson or pacey? Again, I must repeat. . . . Who are
these people?
68. Freddie or Ryan?: Yep, I haven't the faintest idea
who these people are.
69. jen lopez or jen hewitt?: Lopez is with Puffy, and
Puffy is alright, thus Lopez is alright
70. pretzels or chips?: This one is a toughie. . . . uhm......
Chips.. I'm sorry Pretzels, but Chips are better.
71. crackers or bread?: Saltines are the food of the gods.
THE best!
72. cream soda or rootbeer: Root Beer
73. Ferris wheel or roller coaster?: Roller Coaster ,
surprisingly, Ferris Wheels scare me, alot.
74. what do you wanna be? Internationally Known as the
Sexiest White/Black Man
75. where are you gonna go to college? Hopefully Columbia
76. do you want to get married? Yep
78. Who'll be in your wedding party?: Yeah, like Becca
said. Linda has to be everything in the wedding. It'll be
tough but I'm sure she'll make a great priest/bridesmaid/best
man/maid of honor/flowergirl/ring bearer/mother and
father of the bride and groom/usher/and chef
79. do you want kids? Yes
80. what will you name them?: I will not name them, I
will number them.
81. What won't you name them? I won't name them. Weren't
you listening?!
82. where do you want to live?: New York or places of the
sort. Boston is cool, as is Madison
83. Apartment?: Sure
84. house?: Sounds good too
85. will you be happy? How should I know? Do you know
something that I dont?
86. do you like these things?: They're fun
87. how long did it take you to fill it out?: A good 5
hours.... I actually answered a couple questions and then
left for awhile to go take pictures with some friends,
then came back, did a couple more questions, went and god
beef a roo, and then come back ate, and looked at the
pictures, then filled out the rest. It was fun,
88. any last words?: Becca has to "really talk to me"
and I'm scared. Hows that for last words?
89. who would you want to send this back?: Everyone
90. who will for sure?: Probably no one.

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